Astrology is as old as Vedas themselves. The Vedas which are the sacred Hindu scriptures embody eternal knowledge. Strict moral and spiritual practices along with the deep study are prerequisites to understand the essence of Vedas.
On the basis of these VEDAS AND OTHER SPIRITUAL TEXTS we try our best to predict and help you out through your rough time.
I am an Engineering Graduate making a sincere effort to preserve the ancient knowledge of Astrology through this website, so that the people get the right knowledge and advice free of cost.
For last many years I am doing research on lagna Kundali and I feel it is a perfect science. If you know the birth details the results are superior than any branch of Astrology.Hence if you know your birth details accurately only then post your queries.This site is also making efforts to give you right information regarding Rudraksha, Gemstones, Basic principles of Astrology, Vastu Shastra.
What to expect from Astrology---
Science can be defined as a well-coordinated and organised knowledge bank. We know that when we do experiments in science then it is not always necessary that the result will always be accurately predictable. We always cater for some deviations.
For example when we do blood test we come to know the status of kidney, liver etc but no one can tell when it will fail exactly. Doctors can give some indication like 1 month to 1 year etc but not exact date.
The same logic is applicable to astrology too. We know the incident is going to happen just as the Doctor.
Astrology is "HEADLIGHT OF LIFE". When we drive a car in night time it is the car headlight which tells us about what is coming in front, the state of road, speed brakers etc and based on that we decide what best to do next so that we can reach our destination safely and successfully. Imagine night driving without a headlight. You are increasing your chances of meeting with an accident.
Astrology is a very effective headlight for our life, provided this tool is used by learned and experienced people
It can help you decide what is better for you and when. It can mentally prepare you to sail through rough times by giving you a hope of good times coming ahead. It can help you reduce the discomfort level during rough times by recommending various remedies. But remember doing pooja yourself is the best and most effective way to gain God s Blessings.
Astrology is not a guess science but is based on pure mathematical calculations. You will be proud to know that our Maharishis used the power of YOG to see what our scientists seeing today by using Telescope and Satellites. Isn t it amazing that thousands of years back they were able to calculate planetary motions and locations even though they had no telescope for it.....