Distress Your Mind
Your mind is overrun with a million things to do at one time. Here are some tips to manage your thoughts better.
From the time you wake up in the morning until you go to bed at night, you will notice that your mind is constantly at work. You have to keep track of so many things. These constant thoughts can lead to a fatigued mind, which in turn has an effect on your body. De-stressing your mind is an important task that most of us avoid doing. This is largely because we do not know how. Here are a few ways to ease the tensions in your mind.
Take a Deep Breath
When you feel like you simply cannot cope with things, just close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Focus only on your breathing. Try to feel the air as it enters and leaves your body. Deep breathing increases the amount of oxygen you take in and consequently improves the oxygen present in your brain. The increased oxygen has a relaxing effect. When you concentrate on your breathing, you will find that many unnecessary thoughts just drift away. This is a good method to give you some respite when you find yourself overwhelmed by your thoughts.
Write Things Down
Why force yourself to remember something if you can write it down? Much of why you feel stressed out is because you are trying to remember too many things. Always keep a pen and some paper with you. When you remember something, write it down. This leaves your mind free to focus on the task at hand. Not everything can always be written down. This method largely works for thoughts that are time specific. For example, writing down all your appointments makes it easier for you to actually keep them rather than trying to remember one appointment and then have it slips your mind.
Identify and Eliminate
Sifting through the clutter of your mind to find what to do next can be an unpleasant task. Take a few moments to just gather your thoughts. As they come to you, file them away into two categories, namely, important and not so important. Knowing what is important is crucial to keeping your mind at ease. This helps you to focus on your current task.
At the same time, put unimportant thoughts away. Think of it as locking them up in a trunk in your mind and keeping the trunk in a dark corner. Then when you have finished with the important jobs, you can bring out the trunk and look at those thoughts once again. After doing this, you will often find that these thoughts are no longer required and you can simply let them go.
Sleep it off
When you sleep, your mind has an opportunity to process the day's events and put each one in its proper place. That is why when you do not get enough sleep; your mind is the first part of your body to be affected. The average adult requires anywhere from six to eight hours of sleep every night. Anything less or more interferes with the body's natural cycle and thereby affects both mind and body.
The quality of sleep also makes a difference. You may be sleeping for eight hours, but if that sleep is fitful or is being interrupted, then it is not enough. Occasionally, a change in sleeping patterns is necessary to refresh a stressed out mind. This could range from shifting the position of the bed to changing the lighting in the room.
The human brain is a complex organ and forms the central point for all human beings. Daily stress can turn your mind into a world of chaos. It is up to you to find out which techniques work best for you to deal with it.